Thursday 9 October 2014


It's pretty funny to think that the last real post I wrote was entitled 'Back to... Life?'... because that's kind of what happened and the explanation for why there has been a lack of blog posts lately - Life happened.

I've had a busy couple of weeks which have made me see a lot in a different light. It's kind of crazy how experiencing new things, meeting and speaking to people from outside your usual circle of friends, can tell you so much about yourself and the world.

So, while I haven't been keeping up fully with my blog posts on here, I've definitely been inspired and therefore have a lot to write about. (Probably even more when I finish browsing through London, Milan and Paris fashion week photos.)

As I finish up posts, I'll be listening to this amazing mixtape that I've been binging on for a while now. The title 'Music to... Procrastinate to' is pretty ironic... because the mixtape is so inspiring, it makes me want to get things done.

Clearly, inspiration comes in so many ways, shapes and forms - often when you least expect it.

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