Friday 1 August 2014


Ode to the summer
This feeling 
Be sure to remember me 
- Syd Arthur

Each and every summer, there are always songs that you hear so often that they become your official summer jams. Summer Jams... you know, the songs you hear a snippet of anywhere after August and you're immediately flooded with sentimental memories and good times from that past summer vacation to reminisce upon.

Well that is, unless you're like me and have a horrible memory. 

But, I've decided to be proactive this year and make a playlist as I hear it. So, every day throughout the month of August, I'll choose a song that I'm digging that day - one that has some effect on me, my life and what's happening or just because it has that 'summer vibe' to it - and add it to a playlist. Whatever the feeling, I can guarantee that there will be a song for it and by the end of the month we'll have a snazzy summer 2014 mixtape full of jams for everyone to listen to... It's a win-win situation really.

Follow along with my daily song posts on tumblr, tag your own jams with #summerBLND and stay tuned for the ultimate ode to the summer - the SUMMERBLND mixtape at the beginning of September!

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